SVGA Diagnostic Utility Ver 1.0 Written by Eric Jorgensen (1994) *********** DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM UNDER WINDOWS ************ ************* IT WILL PROBABLY CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO HANG ************* INTRODUCTION I recently published my first shareware product called _Terrain Maker_, an SVGA based utility for generating random landscapes. For the graphics, I used an excellent library called SVGACC (by Stephen Balkum and Daniel Sill) which, among other things, automatically configured itself to run on a wide variety of video hardware, including VESA compitible video cards. I discovered that many machines were able to run my software without any problems, but I also foud that there is a significant population of computers out there that had trouble with the graphics. Further investigation revealed that while many of these claimed to be VESA SVGA compatible, they failed to perform standard VESA functions properly. I wanted to investigate the scope of this problem as well as put pressure on video card manufactures to put more effort toward the DOS end of the SVGA market, so I set out to write SVGADIAG.EXE, a self- contained piece of software that extracts information about the configuration, compatibility, and performance of a PC SVGA video system. My intent is to have this information emailed back to me so that I can compile it and publish it freely on the net to provide valuable information to programmers and card buyers. WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES This diagnostic utility basically gathers as much information about your computer and video hardware as it can by checking the VESA BIOS, running various graphics functions in a 640x480x256color graphics mode, trying out other SVGA modes, and finally by asking you questions about what you saw and what your system is like. HOW TO USE THIS PROGRAM First, you will need a 386 or better with an SVGA card (preferrably VESA compatable). A Microsoft compatible mouse would be nice, too. Simply type "SVGADIAG" at a prompt in the directory where this program resides. It will create a text file that contains the results of it's internal tests. It will also prompt you a few times to verify that the graphics are behaving properly. When the program is completed, you will need to edit the output file called "SVGAOUT.TXT" and fill in information about your computer system. (You can use a standard text editor like EDIT that comes with MSDOS.) When you have saved your additions, please email the file to: I will compile all the results and publish them some time in early January. Inn the meantime, though, you might want to read more of the output file, because it contains interesting information about your system and some numbers tat give a clue of how fast your graphics are. If you want to compare, here are the numbers from my Diamond Stealth Pro VLB running on a 486 DX2/66: blkget: 3374.5 Kpxls/sec blkput: 7352.7 Kpxls/sec drwbox: 345.9 Kpxls/sec drwfillbox: 6618.2 Kpxls/sec drwline: 2785.5 Kpxls/sec drwpoint: 156.5 Kpxls/sec getpoint: 158.9 Kpxls/sec WHAT IF THIS PROGRAM CRASHES ON MY COMPUTER? Please send the output file to me anyway, since it may contain clues as to why the program crashed. Plus this will help me identify video cards that don't handle SVGA very well, whic is one of the goals of my survey. This program is fairly simple and has been beta tested on several computers of varying configurations to make sure that no gross bugs exist. In all likelyhood, if the graphics mess up, or if the program crashes, your graphics drivers or video BIOS are to blame. This was the case with my Diamond Stealth Pro. Fortunately, when I called Diamond about it they gave me a free BIOS update and my problems went away. I suggest that you try the same with your video card manufacturer. Some particular problems I have seen that are graphics driver related: - mouse leaves trails on the screen - page flipping does not work - verticle or horizontal bars of crud across the screen THIS IS THE WORST BIT OF CODING I'VE EVER SEEN! I COULD WRITE SOMETING WAY BETTER! By all means, please contribute! Since this is version 1.0 of this diagnostic/survey software, I expect to learn a lot in the process of releasing it to the public. Any code, helpful hints or bug reports are welcome. Please send them to SPECIAL THANKS To Daniel Sill for providing VESA interrupt information and support for SVGACC. To the Beta Testers: Augusto Roman, Neil Breeden, and Daniel Sill. To YOU! for trying out my program.